HFF Munich - Script Studies, Creative Writing and Serial Storytelling (Diploma 2020)
HFF Munich and Theaterakademie August Everding - Postgraduate studies in cultural journalism (2011-2013)
Justus-Liebig University Gießen - Studies of applied Theater Science (Diploma 2010)
The Promise
Feature Film
Script (with Katharina Bischof)
In Development
Black Mambas
Cinema Dokumentary Film of Lena Karbe
Dramaturgical Consulting
karbe film | ZDF, ARTE, TF1
Sohn der Spinne
Script in Development
Katja-Eichinger-Drehbuch-Scholarship for Diploma Project
Feature Film 91‘
Script (with Anatol Schuster)
Director: Anatol Schuster
wirFILM GmbH, Edgar Reitz Filmstiftung | HFF München | BR
Premiere at Filmfest Munich „Neues Deutsches Kino“
„Honorable Mention“ at the 13. Festival of German Film
Sewol – Die gelbe Zeit
Dokumentary Film 80‘
Script (with Gregor Koppenburg)
Director: Minsu Park
Dreamlead Pictures, Nominal Film | HFF München | BR
Winner of the 54. Grimme-Preis in the Category „Wettbewerb Information & Kultur“
Winner of the Eberhard-Fechner-Preis der Studio Hamburg Nachwuchsförderung
Premiere at the 32. DOK.fest Munich in the Competition „“
Short Film 19‘
Script (with Katharina Bischof)
Director: Katharina Bischof
jamai Film + HFF München
Unter Nachbarn
Short Film 9‘
Script (with Katharina Bischof)
Director: Katharina Bischof
jamai Film + HFF München
früher oder später
Dokumentary Mini Series (4x30‘)
Dramaturge + Original Sound
Director: Pauline Roenneberg
wirFILM GmbH | HFF München | BR
Premiere at the 33. DOK.fest München in the Competition „DOK.deutsch“
Winner of the FFF-Förderpreis Dokumentarfilm
Winner of the First Steps „No Fear Award“
Winner of the Serien-Pitches "Free-TV", BR + HFF München
Scientific Assistant of the professorship “Serial Narrative” / HFF Munich
(since 2020)
Book Review of the Film01-Projects in the Script-Department, HFF Munich (since 2017)
Jury Activity for web:first Lab, HFF + BR + Bayerisches Filmzentrum (2019)
Tutoring for the Writer’s Room Lab, Bayerisches Filmzentrum (2018)